Retired Rodents - they're in the retirement category because they're

If you are in need of boarding services for your hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, domestic rats or domestic mice, we will try to accommodate you if we have an opening for the dates you need boarding. Because many people request boarding around the winter holidays and during the summer, it's very important that you make a reservation as soon as you know what dates you need boarding. It is never too soon to make a reservation! If boarding services interest you, please contact us asap by email at
While we can't promise that boarding your rodents with us will be like a tropical vacation, we can promise that they'll have a clean cage, healthy food, fresh water and human interaction.
Due to the critical importance of us preventing and containing the spread of respiratory illness or parasites from your rats to our rats and vice versa, we board rats in a quarantine room in our home as opposed to in our rat room. You see, your rats could be infectious without you even knowing it and we simply can't jeopardize the health of our rats. And, if any of our rats are developing a respiratory infection or have parasites that we don't know about we surely don't want to jeopardize the health of your rats. If you prefer that we care for your rats in YOUR home, it is something that we may consider depending upon where you live.
You may review our Rat Boarding Contract by clicking on
the green paperclip to the right.

"Oh waiter...I'll have another
Rodent Boarding